The company has introduced two foreign academicians, established an enterprise academician expert workstation, and has in-depth and extensive cooperation with Zhejiang University, Beihang University, Xidian University, China Fire Rescue College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Zhijiang College, Yuanpei College, Keqiao Vocational Education Center and other colleges and universities. GeekBridge has nearly 100 engineering and technical personnel, and has a complete UAV manufacturing industry chain, Equipped with the ability to integrate and innovate drone research and development. The talent strategy of the company adopts the strategy of “not seeking for all, but seeking for use” of high-end talents. The landing talents should be localized as far as possible to ensure both progressiveness and the safety of enterprise technology.

In September 2019, Zhejiang Geek Bridge Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. officially signed a cooperation agreement with Professor Fannick and his team, introducing Professor Fannick and his team to form an enterprise academician expert workstation, which was officially listed in December 2019.

In 2020, Geek Bridge officially signed a joint construction model with the China Fire and Rescue Academy, which plans to include Geek Bridge products as tutorials.

Launching Ceremony of South African Academician Cooperation
Academician expert Shao Xingxing
Zhejiang University EMBA Alumni Visits Geek Bridge
Cooperation Ceremony of China Fire and Rescue Academy
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